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Publishing Updates!

Just a short and sweet post to let you know of 2 very important things:

1. As of November 2023, I am no longer represented by a literary agent and am back in the query trenches!

My agent left the industry, so I am once again on the hunt for a literary's been a punch to the gut for sure, but I'm trying to see the glass half full approach, which is that I have more time to edit the heck out of my manuscript. Right???

2. The King's 100 has re-released as a self-published title!

With a shiny new cover, The King's 100 is back out in the world as a self-published title and it's been a very educational ride - learning how to design my own cover, understanding KDP, BookBub ads, etc. So, if you haven't read it yet, it's FREE on Kindle Unlimited and if you have read it, please share the joy of swoony YA romance with a friend. :)

That's all!

Thank you for your continued support!

<3 Karin

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